

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Boys Weekend, Girl Shopping, and Baby Update

Well folks we seemed to fill our time here in Wausau and beyond this past week. Caleb and I went our separate ways on Friday night and all day Saturday. Caleb was able to go visit his friends for a weekend of ping pong and rafting amongst some nonsense I was informed of in foggy details. Boys will be boys. All this to say, Caleb came back $20 richer from winning the annual ping pong tournament, a gun shooting sheet filled with bullet holes, and ankles full of scrapes from goofing off in the river rocks.

While I was home, I was able to watch junk television and go shopping. I am shopping for a wedding coming up and need to find a dress that isn’t like anything I have so… I must buy one. Oh what a shame, wink! Peeps, I got tired from all the work it takes to try dresses on and off. I forget sometimes that this little one doesn’t love to be tossed around and so I had to take some small breaks but had a lot of fun trying on items and finding store gems here in Wausau.
This is the breakfast I made withOUT
Caleb's help. It was a proud moment.

I watched the kayakers behind the
Farmer's market for a lil. They are there
every weekend. Pretty talented.

I love this dress so much BUT it is too
busy for the wedding I am going to.

When Caleb got back, we put together a bed he bought from Ikea in Mpls for people to use when they visit us and for our growing baby to use after the crib. It was a great purchase for us, we think. We also went to the Wisconsin Woodchucks baseball game for the night. I had a great time and the weather was perfect. They played the Madison Mallards so I was able to wear one of my Mallard shirts and cheer on the visiting team. Mallards won and it was a pretty entertaining game.

On Tuesday, we went to a Switchfoot concert here in Wausau while they were at the fair. The fair sucked but the concert was actually quite fun. Jon Foreman is quite fun to watch and they played flashback oldies that I LOVED singing along with. We paid money for reserved tickets not knowing that the performance was free with a fair admission so we were bummed that we "wasted" money but it is what it is.

Caleb loved this guitarist and called him an old.
(He isn't old, peeps)

He came into the crowd SO close to us.

Week 25

  • Well this week, lil baby is about 2 pounds and is over a foot long. A size of a cauliflower but I dont want to EVER think about my baby looking like that, sounds like it has ugly and it certainly won't, I promise. However, for some reason, my belly doesn’t seem to be carrying a baby that large. I suppose it never sprawls out completely but I feel like it has to be so cramped in there. 
  • Gibs has figured out what is up and what is down this week so we are getting somewhere to letting the babes know which way we prefer in order to deliver naturally. We hope.

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  • I am just about to the point where if something falls on the floor, I am groining as I pick it up. It isn’t an actual issue yet but I am learning to bend from the knees and not the waist as my child has reminded me that there is no such thing as a waist with a decorative pillow-sized belly stuffed under my shirt. 
  • Sleeping has gotten a lot better this week as I am now used to waking up every time I need to switch sides and I now use three pillows to cradle my knees, belly, and head. I understand the need for a c-shaped pillow but this girl isn’t partaking in that inner circle of cool kids if she can steal her husband’s prized pillows instead.

Other than that, this week we are looking forward to the parentals coming to visit. Caleb’s parents will be coming to see the scenery in this neck of the woods.

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