

Saturday, November 21, 2015

An End to Pregnancy Timeline Determined... BABY IS COMING!


You read right, this girl is getting induced. How do I feel about this? Well, to be honest I never thought I would go for it but I am here and looking forward towards an end.

It is 60% looking forward to being done and 40% just hoping I do not have to medicate my baby through this event.

With this news, it does come along with the knowledge that I will be eating hospital thanksgiving dinner. I will not be released until Friday morning. Am I bummed, oh for sure. BUT, I will be with family and our little person will be here too SO I will be so thankful this year.

When is this happening? Tuesday night 10p into Wednesday. Can I ask for each of you to pray for me to not have to get to Tuesday and be induced? Thanks! Why is this happening? I have measured large my whole pregnancy and my doc feels like being that I could ACTUALLY be 41 weeks, we are not going to press the limits.

Today I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill and got a induction massage with some money we have saved for this time. The walk was just fine but the massage was beyond wonderful. I got so relaxed and feel so relaxed to do this last 5 days as a prego momma. So surreal to think about that, we only have 5 days left until Gibby is here.

So. Many. Emotions.

On another note, I just got done with working yesterday. I work until my due date and I am happy I did. I was totally capable of it and we were able to keep the funds coming longer than we thought. Babies are expensive I hear so I am thankful for the time I had to keep my mind off reality and continue to help my co-workers and clients.

Thinking about that, if you are lonely, need to talk, bored, or just think about calling me... do it on Monday or Tuesday because I will be sitting here waiting or will have a baby to introduce you to.

Our crib is 100% done. I mean it is up, it is ready to hold a child and decorated with cute items for the babes. My husband did such a great job, it was totally worth it but he said he will never build something to that magnitude in an apt again... tough on the wife, back, and cleanliness of our home. We spent Saturday cleaning up all the dust and messes around the house and it feels oh so good. This babe is going to be so welcomed into this home and cannot wait to bring Giblet home.

I am not showing you the crib until baby is here, I just want to reveal it then, okay?

Lots to update you on but nothing as exciting as this baby will be born by the time you read the next blog, you are welcome.

Week 40

  • Baby Gibster is the size of a Jackfruit. Yeah, IDK what that is either. I do know that baby is for sure 8 lbs and is for sure 19 inches. I can guarantee this baby is large and very much in charge. What baby would be so content in this body without being a beach bum of a kid. 
  • Lungs are breathing in the amnoitic fluid and what ever else. 
  • Hair and nails continue to grow while safely in Ma.

  • I am addicted to eating food but not large quantities. I have been losing weight-ish. It is totally normal. 
  • I have more energy this week than I have since getting to the third trimester. Feels weird because I am oh so large but I last longer than Caleb at night and I wake ready to conquer the day. Praise Jesus and pray to Jesus that this will last all through labor and delivery. One can believe, so I will.
  • No real contractions but SO many braxton hicks. I am only dilated a cm as of today but they said that could change in a matter of hours so I am not disappointed in the progression.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I stand at the door & knock but Gibby has not quite answered

I am still here and baby is still not ready to debut... I am still here.

What did we do this week? Well we ate out 3 times, went to a movie, bought some new baby items and storage pieces to get ready for baby. Sometimes being couped up and not being able to think about anything else but baby's entrance calls for the budget to be stretched for a week and for us to enjoy time as two before three is a reality. I don't think any of you would judge me for a failed week of budgeting. I am always good with the budget so I didn't feel ashamed.

I had a COMPLETE emotional breakdown yesterday that called for the mother and husband to receive "urgent" calls at work in my hysterical crying stage. Peeps, the end of pregnancy does wonders to your body but sometimes, you go a little irrational and cray-cray. A girl just needed a reality check and she was back to positive/forward thinking. Thanks to the mother and husband that patiently explained to me that I was still a human and not a misfit toy.

I did have to take a day off work this week due to a pulled muscle in my back that is taking away sleep and all around comfort from me. It really stinks to have this happen because I thought my back issues would be minimal but at 39 weeks, I have found some pain in my back. One of these days, Giblet will be ready to come out and it will NOT be in December, I am committed to that.

We are in full nesting swing around here. The crib is all but nailed together at this point so you know what that means? I get my house back! This has been such a fun journey to watch my husband build a crib that he imagined on paper and then make it real life. It did take longer than we both thought but it is done! We now get to dust our home from top to bottom from all the sawdust that has accumulated and we are back to a two bathroom apartment after this weekend. I will show you the crib when the time is right, but in the mean time, I think I will give you a sneak peek at the nursery. Nothing to give away the gender, of course.

Cute, eh? We think so too!

Week 39

  • Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. Weighing between 7-8 pounds and measuring at about 19 inches, this watermelon of a belly is about ready to pop.
  • Nails are growing, mind is strengthening, and limbs are a moving... all good milestones for baby.


  • Ma has gotten two stretch marks right by her belly button which is not welcomed but taken with love as it means I am a true mom with marks to remind me often. Thanks, Gibster... Ma is thankful for these marks of memory.
  • I am still having Braxton Hicks on a consistent basis but there have been no false labor pains as all is painless or feels like a bowel movement, shucks.

People, I was pretty positive this week. Do I get mad props or what?!?! Bring on week 40, or don't. I honestly am cheering for there not to be a post next week but I will be back if there is. Lata!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Staying Put Over Here

I hate to break it to you but we are home-locked these days so we didn't really do anything this week. This was the last week for the Farmer's Market downtown so we weathered the storm (rain) and bought some apple cider from the miserableness of the day and found out there is an INDOOR farmer's market. Can I get a Wah-Hoo?!?! I am pumped to support the local community from just a couple doors down. We were able to get some coffee and bakery items on Saturday morning and to satisfy my annoyance to play a game of cribbage. I get so restless staying at home and being couped up. My husband is trying so hard to entertain me and keep my mind off of my current state of being (very pregnant). On Friday we went to fish fry just next door again and loved it just as much. $20 for two kids to eat out is totally worth it to us.

In other news, the crib will be done this weekend and Caleb cannot wait to reveal it in a couple weeks. Peeps, he did such a good job. You will be so happy that our little one gets to have this and pass it on as the years come (in 20 years) for Gibs to use it on their little one.

Week 38

  • 19 inches and 8 pounds. Wow, baby. The size of a pumpkin, how fitting for the season, no?
  • Baby fuzz and leaving and there could be up to an inch of hair on this little one's head. I hope this little gem has just the most hair ever. I love fresh chubs with a loaded head of hair. 
  • I have a weird walk going on when I first arise from my desk chair at work and my co-workers have gone from teasing me to feeling sorry for me. It is all good though, maybe this babes wants to come make an appearance if it is making me this uncomfortable, or am I just wishful thinking?
  • This is the largest I have ever felt and ever want to feel. I cannot tell you how puffy I am. My mom told me she felt like her legs were stumps at this stage and I cannot agree more. This morning was the first time that my toes tingled as they gained more meat (puffiness) to their sausage-ness. 
  • Caleb made me a wrist brace to wear at night and I am so thankful as my wrist no longer wakes me in the night to indicate it is past numbness and into the painful sensation. 
Sorry for all the complaining, I need to look to the bright side of this things. My doctor checked me and told me I have a ways to go and I fell like this little Gibster is just content with Ma protecting it's every moment still. I will savor today.