

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I stand at the door & knock but Gibby has not quite answered

I am still here and baby is still not ready to debut... I am still here.

What did we do this week? Well we ate out 3 times, went to a movie, bought some new baby items and storage pieces to get ready for baby. Sometimes being couped up and not being able to think about anything else but baby's entrance calls for the budget to be stretched for a week and for us to enjoy time as two before three is a reality. I don't think any of you would judge me for a failed week of budgeting. I am always good with the budget so I didn't feel ashamed.

I had a COMPLETE emotional breakdown yesterday that called for the mother and husband to receive "urgent" calls at work in my hysterical crying stage. Peeps, the end of pregnancy does wonders to your body but sometimes, you go a little irrational and cray-cray. A girl just needed a reality check and she was back to positive/forward thinking. Thanks to the mother and husband that patiently explained to me that I was still a human and not a misfit toy.

I did have to take a day off work this week due to a pulled muscle in my back that is taking away sleep and all around comfort from me. It really stinks to have this happen because I thought my back issues would be minimal but at 39 weeks, I have found some pain in my back. One of these days, Giblet will be ready to come out and it will NOT be in December, I am committed to that.

We are in full nesting swing around here. The crib is all but nailed together at this point so you know what that means? I get my house back! This has been such a fun journey to watch my husband build a crib that he imagined on paper and then make it real life. It did take longer than we both thought but it is done! We now get to dust our home from top to bottom from all the sawdust that has accumulated and we are back to a two bathroom apartment after this weekend. I will show you the crib when the time is right, but in the mean time, I think I will give you a sneak peek at the nursery. Nothing to give away the gender, of course.

Cute, eh? We think so too!

Week 39

  • Baby keeps growing, despite being so crowded in there. Weighing between 7-8 pounds and measuring at about 19 inches, this watermelon of a belly is about ready to pop.
  • Nails are growing, mind is strengthening, and limbs are a moving... all good milestones for baby.


  • Ma has gotten two stretch marks right by her belly button which is not welcomed but taken with love as it means I am a true mom with marks to remind me often. Thanks, Gibster... Ma is thankful for these marks of memory.
  • I am still having Braxton Hicks on a consistent basis but there have been no false labor pains as all is painless or feels like a bowel movement, shucks.

People, I was pretty positive this week. Do I get mad props or what?!?! Bring on week 40, or don't. I honestly am cheering for there not to be a post next week but I will be back if there is. Lata!

1 comment:

  1. Fun facts about baby Caleb. He was due the 19th, was born the 24th, weighed 10.5 pounds, and had a full head of thick blonde hair that curled around his ears. And I cried a LOT those last couple of weeks waiting for him. Hang in there!
