

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week 48: Rollie 11 Months

Rollie encountered a stomach virus this past week and boy did it knock him down. He had a TERRIBLE diaper rash due to all his diaper loads and their consistencies. I have NEVER seen something that terrible before. He had a rough belly ache for a couple days and his appetite was VERY basic and slim. I did take him to the doctor but they all but laughed in my face because I am sure they felt I was like all first-time moms. I am in case anyone wants to be reminded. I am SO glad he is feeling better.

On a happier note, my baby turned 11 months old and that means he (almost) done with being an infant. I cannot believe where the time has gone!

He isn't walking yet but loves to cruise the furniture and make his way through the house via walls, furniture, and his walker. He has added "boat" to his vocabulary. He says "Hi!" to anyone who will listen stranger or not. 

His appetite is outrageously huge and wide-spanned. I am very fortunate that he eats all things but only wants to do it himself and only if he licks new foods before devouring it. 

He climbs up and down the stairs like a champ. He has found his scowl when we tell him no BUT he obeys us well which I never thought babies did. I am so pleased when he stops what he is doing what is wrong and chooses to obey. 

He will practice his "tricks" in the mirror whenever he is in his carseat facing his mirror and it melts my heart. Rollie has chosen to clap JUST recently and he is so proud of himself. "Peek" is his favorite thing to do in the all places. 

He LOVES books and just recently started reading to himself which is just presh. He will come from across the the room to come hear his favorite books if you start to read the first couple pages. My lil man smiles all the time. 

He is just a happy baby and I cannot get enough of any part of him right now. Well, other than his annoying whine when we don't pick him up on demand. That can go away at any time. Ha.


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