

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Big News for this Small Family

Well folks I am going to cut to the chase... Europe was not just for the two of us. It was actually for the three of us. That is correct, I am going to have a little Laura or Caleb to play with for this holiday season. Baby Gibby is due just before Thanksgiving and we are just so excited. 

Baby Gibby got it's name from a morph of Thanksgiving due date, then to Turkey being a main thought to that holiday, then to Giblet for a small piece of the turkey, then to Gibby which is Giblet for short. Your welcome on that explanation. 

Why did I wait to share? Well to be honest, I didn't want to tell Grandma before I went on the big trip so she didn't have to worry any more than she already was. There were other reasons but I am not willing to share the more personal reasons. All that really matters is that babes and I are making our debut today. 

I just started this week taking cliche, weekly pictures and I regret not doing it sooner. I really popped this past week so it would have been fun to compare. I have learned my lesson and I am looking forward to the next 23 weeks of photos. 

I thought it would be fun to share my tactics for these posts. I am going to try and use the same shirt for the whole pregnancy each week to show the difference better and also share a fruit/vegetable of the size of the baby. I will also be sharing the changes in both baby and mom each week and how we are feeling. So here we go...

Week 17
  • It's bones will be forming this week from its previous state of more cartilage-type structure and is gaining some fat for those bones
  • It can now move its joints and is beginning to regulate heat
  • It is the size of a onion (5 inches) and weighs about half a pound
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  • I am having some CRAZY dreams these days and they are freaking me out. I am determined they are real until like 2 minutes after I wake in the morning. I borderline hate it but I have always wanted to remember my dreams and now I know why it is better not to.
  • I no longer sleep on my back as I am training myself to not do so when it counts (in a few weeks) 
  • I think I got sick about 3 times in my first trimester but I have been sick at least once a week in trimester two so far and I am getting a feeling of what others talk about. I thought I was a lucky one but these "no warning" sick moments are quite inconvenient. 
  • My jeans do not button but I have a pair of pants in each color that fit fine. So I am working with 3 normal pants (black, khaki, and blue), dresses, and a smorgasbord of jersey shorts/workout leggings. I am anti-prego clothes but I am thinking soon is going to be a visit to the thrift store. Who wants to send me clothes? Anyone?
See you all every Thursday for my weekly updates of this lil babe and every so often for our life events. We are beyond excited for all this life we are about to experience!