

Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 26: Half B-Day Love and Summer Start

Well, folks. Rollie was celebrated well this past week. Rollie is officially 6 months old. My baby is changing during each nap it feels like. He goes to bed and when I go get him, he looks just a lil older. My baby.

Mom actually baked a pie for Rollie (with lots of encouragement from hubs) and dad made the scene just right for a half birthday party. 
Mixed Berry for the Doodle Berry.

He loved the pencil-eraser sized pie he got.
 The traditional monthly photo shoot, you are welcome:
Geoffrey got a welcomed hello.


My sweetie pie.

Jerusalem did not get that nice of a

Nom, Nom, Nom.

Other than being a big boy, Rollie and I have spent our week days together on stroller rides and...
Sweet boy.

Sleepy boy.

... weekends with dad disc golfing and bicycle riding.

Solving the world's problems.

Just two last photos, okay?

Baby feet are my fave. So wrinkly and presh.

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