

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Decorating the Lovely Pine

We got home and sneaked our real tree into our home. We are still unsure if Saint Paul allows real trees in small apartments but we never asked so I guess the Lord will look down upon us with favor if we still have it by Christmas.

Judging? Please don't.

The following day we went to Target to get the lights Caleb needed. Okay, my boy NEEDS colored lights on his tree. WHY, WHY OH WHY?!?!?! I do not care for colored lights and never really thought I would own some on my first tree, EVER. Needless to say, we have colored lights on our first tree. Some may find it fascinating that a boy could love Christmas as much as my boy but it is very true, Caleb has passions and one of those passions is Christmas and everything Christmas. There is no negotiating when it comes to decor and "how-to" do Christmas. This is a battle that is more fun to watch then to participate in frustrating him so I just watch and giggle.

Here is the Tuesday night we shared together... decorating:

Cute! I love him and we loves this tree.
Caleb being artsy... pretty good, eh?

Until next time, Merry Tree Decorating. We created Christmas cards today, you are gonna love them!


  1. Yeeeeeah... that's the Klinge Christmas Curse. You've learned a valuable lesson EARLY to just let it happen and smile. HEHE! Here's a tip... take "Pinky" off the tree and hide it in a drawer or something, and see how long it takes him to notice. It's one of my favorite Christmastime traditions. :) He's a silly silly boy.

  2. NICE!! True - it is a Klinge curse! Nathan LOVES Christmas just the same. How many 32 year olds to you know that have to have their FAV ornament in the same spot every year?!?!

    He's even teaching the same "values" to Miles! Miles LOVES Christmas too! We have Christmas pillow cases, Christmas mugs, and lots of Christmas family traditions!

    We used to rock the multi colored lights, but this is now our second year with all white lights. We've accumulated WAY TOO MANY crazy and bright colored ornaments. The white lights showcase them so much better.

    Congrats on your first tree! We think its pretty spiffy... Best of luck creating your first set of married Christmas memories and traditions :)

  3. So THAT's where the candy cane mug is! :)
