

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Week Nine in Review: Rollie turned two months and Caleb turned 28!

My baby is officially two month (January 24) old. What a baby. He can confidently roll from back to front during tummy time, smiles constantly, loves to stand and swivel his hips on the laps of anyone that holds him, and snuggles when he wakes up from naps grumpy. He truly is the best kid for us. We love him oh so much.

Who else got older? Well the other boy of the household, Caleb Karl. Happy Birthday, Daddio! Caleb spent the weekend with his brothers down in Galena, IL for his brother, Tim's, 30th birthday celebration. He had a great time and came home very sore from all the festivities. Something about a family that enjoys time together whatever the holiday, is to be so grateful for. I love my in-laws.

Rollie and I went to the south (Wis Dells) to hang out at the condo with mom and grandma.

Because I do not see my mom that often, I requested she help me with my head board that Caleb has been asking for me to finish the cushion part of the head board since we got here in July. So, we plopped Rollie in the walk-in closet and headed off to JoAnn Fabrics.

I thought this would be a quick find but golly it takes forever to figure out what fabric to put on your wall forever. We thought we had a winner 30 minutes in but then the professional reminded us that our pattern can only go one way and our birds wouldn't fly from LtoR like they should but would fly downward. That wasn't going to fly so we instead looked. and looked. and looked some more. I have to be honest, we settled but it did turn out quite cute. In all it took 14 hours from start to finish and we were certainly took our own spin on it but it is very nice for two polish girlies.

It was a pretty low-key weekend so Caleb and I made up for it on Monday when he took the day off. We went to a coffee shop, went for a walk, opened gifts, ate cheesecake, watched TV, and just enjoyed each other's company. Weekends are always nice but sometimes being intentional to spend time together is the best way to spend a day. I love you, lil boy. Happiest of birthdays to you.

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