To throw our life for a loop, we actually stayed home this past weekend. I know, this family hardly was able to cope with nowhere to go. We did have Caleb's Christmas Party for his work so Rollie went to his first babysitter session. It was pretty easy to leave him with my friend, Liz, because her daughter is four days younger than Rollie. How ironic, huh? They just loved having him and he behaved himself pretty well. We too had a good time and laughed a lot with his co workers. This being our first weekend home since Rollie has been old enough to be near other people's germs, we braved church for the first time. Rollie did just fine against his mother's intuition. People... I rocked my kiddo to sleep in my arms for the second time. Can you believe it? The thing about my plan with Rollie's sleep schedule that I love is that he doesn't NEED me to fall asleep but the thing about it that I get sad about is missing out on the nights of just rocking a baby. I know in the long run, it will be worth it and I know Rollie won't miss out on my love because I overstimulate that boy when he is awake. My little guy is only awake for 5 hours a day so I miss him so much when he sleeps. I secretly cannot wait for him to be a little older so he can be happy for longer in the day.
Monday, January 18th, was my pop's anniversary of getting into heaven. I have gotten better at longing to be with him on a consistent basis and actually forgot about the date on Monday until Facebook reminded me of my posts in the past. I was quite surprised and bummed that I forgot but to be honest, people, I am tired of recognizing the date he passed. It is nothing but sadness to focus on and this girl has got a lot to be happy about. Even though Baby Rollie will never even know his grandpa, I know that he looks just like me which means he looks a whole lot like my dad. Okay so I am crying now but it is only because my dad was so awesome and I just really want Rollie to get some of that straight from him. Oh well... I will be sure to share and showcase my dad through me to him. Sucks losing a parent before they can see their grandbaby, you get that?

My dad's birthday is February 1st so if you are having an awesome day in a couple weeks, know that a really great guy was born on that day. I will be sure to have Rollie celebrate that day with me in the future.
So onward and upward... here is my cute lil guy for you all to drool over as I do everyday, for 5 hours. Ha!
We embrace his hair in anyway it falls. |
He loves to eat... |
... and smile for momma. |
Just chillin' with his dad watchin' TV |
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