Mistake 1: I took my kiddo to many homes in a span of 24 hours and he loved meeting everyone but had a rough go trying to continue his sleep schedule. I was on my usual fast-paced visits that I normally do when I visit MN but this time I had Rollie in tow and he doesn't spring into go-mode like I do. He was fussy and I am just not used to that. I know I am a spoiled mom and I do not know what it is like to have a baby that doesn't sleep, I am just a mom that is learning about how-to of parenting. He slept like a champ after being toted around and actually slept his longest stretch (10 hours) while we were in MN. Go Rollie! I have just learned that Rollie is not as I and I need to keep him consistent with his schedule or else I will have mistake 2 for longer than I wish.
Mistake 2: I have an overtired baby which means his naps are a total fail. For all the moms out there, you know what it is like to have an overtired baby who struggles to sleep and struggles to have fun while awake. I have arrived at this camp. I stink at reading his tired signs and therefore have a baby who struggles to self soothe himself to sleep and therefore struggles to make it past an hour of a nap before waking himself from a stuper and makes himself wake even though he is so tired. I feel awful that I am the root of that but mom is learning all about life just as he is. I think I am too hard on myself but if he does not follow this schedule of EWS (Eat, wake, sleep), I fall into this tizzy that I cannot get out of and feel like I am failing my son.
I think I need a small little break from worrying so that I can be reminded of the good in my momhood, i.e. he sleeps 9-12 hours a night, he loves to smile at mom, he can hold his head up for minutes on end and pushed off of my legs to a standing-like posture. People, I am so proud of my little one, I just feel bad for making him overtired so he cannot enjoy life as much as I enjoy him in my life. Being a mom can feel so lonely, like I am the only one caring for him and I need to have the answers. I know I don't and won't but sometimes it feels like I fail. I will fail, I know, I just don't want to sit in failure like I feel like I am this last week.
Let me just say, though, I am so thankful for the friendships I still have in MN and the people who I can still do life with from afar. They make me happy and I feel very loved when I go back to MN. I also went to my first mom's devotional study at church on Tuesday. I had a good time meeting women from my new church and introducing them to Rollie. Rollie didn't do awesome with me in the group due to his sleep schedule being off but I will send him to the nursery this next time so he can just lay down and snooze.
Rollie met his friend, Jane, this weekend. |
Cuddling with SarBear |
Other than that, I found this hat that I thought would go perfect with Rollie's outfit on Monday. He had mixed emotions about it:
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