

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 14 in Review: MN Besties Unite & Baldspot Sensitivity

Hello to my folks.

This past weekend I braved the motherhood milestone of traveling alone with a kiddo in the backseat. It worked out PERFECT! He slept the entire time (except for like 10 min max) there and back. The reason for the trip is my girl, Bek, is in MN for 6 weeks for her husband's PA rotation so she made sure we got together to commemorate the occasion of us all being able to get together. Rollie and I made our first stop to IKEA together and we did mediocre at holding ourselves together, for him not to get overstimulated and for me not to buy too many unnecessary things. I forgot to used my "IKEA Friends" card so I kicked myself when I was already all but home to remember. Dude, that thing saves mega money, look into that thing if you haven't already. Rollie got this cool play gym and LOVES it so much. I didn't know how he would react to it but he actually is fascinated by it.

We continued on our journey to Kate's house and played outside, watched babies of all baby stages, and just tried to catch up as much as we could. Check out the cuteness I found in MN!!

It was great to be together and bittersweet to leave. FOR. SURE. Rollie and I only were gone for 24 hours from our house due to just knowing my baby's limits. I am glad we came home when we did because Rollie was pleased to be home with daddy on Sunday.

Other than that, we have been just hanging out here at the house trying to figure out how to nap and being too big for our own good. Rollie is growing up so fast in front of our eyes. I cannot believe how he has grown.
We are mastering going for runs with
momma to train for her 5k this month.

He loves to walk around...
but only when he is naked.

New bath towel for our boy.
He outgrew his old one!

Baldspot for our boy.
So obvious with all that hair.

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