

Thursday, October 1, 2015

MN is too good to me and babyface!

Peeps, I had such a good time seeing my friends in MN last weekend. I just really miss having friends first off and second, having those friends near me. I even got to see my dear friend who moved to CA (now lives in IA) 5 years ago and we don't see each other really that often. Most my friends have babies these days and it is so evident by how many babies were present at my shower. It is so precious to watch them grow up to be lil squirts for their moms. Makes me nervous to watch mine grow so fast but at least I got these mommas to rely off of to answer my panic questions. Please enjoy my pics recapping my shower:

Thank you SO much Lee & Jenna for such a nice shower with food that was so yummy and games that were perfect to shower me. Thanks to my friends present and from afar... We (babes and Lo) feel so loved. 

Week 33

  • Baby is the size of some sort of exotic fruit that isn't worth my time to describe weighing about 5 pounds (that seems HUGE to me) and measures about 18 inches. 
  • This kid keeps its eyes open when it is awake and it's bones are hardening. This is getting nuts, can I just preview you lil one and then send you back for more roasting when I am done staring? If only ultrasounds were free and weekly. Momma is getting eager but not as eager as papa bear next to me. Caleb is just ready for Giblet to announce itself to the world. 


  • I am warm all the time but especially at night and while I sit in the car. Woof, Jesus has seen some embarrassing moments where I lose my patience with the clothes that are stuck on this awkward baby. I have little patience but when I get stuck in outfits and I am hot, it is a lose situation for all parties in the general vicinity. 
  • Other than that embarrassing trait I am working to overcome, I am just the "normal" preggo Laura over here in the Northwoods.

See you in IA, Klinge Fam, for a shower to celebrate yet another weekend for this precious lil bundle hiding inside me.

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