We got to the cabin around 7:30p and set-up camp. We proceeded to start a fire and ate s’mores for days that night.
I did not sleep very well that night as I am pregnant and those beds are three generations old so they have no support any longer. Caleb on the other hand slept fine and we slept in until 9a. It felt good to have no agenda for the day so we made the famous camping breakfast of potatoes, bacon, and eggs in the Paul Bunyan skillet. What a tradition that Caleb really enjoys.
We then packed up and went to get our fishing license and bait for an afternoon of fishing on Lily Lake. Caleb was a hero for getting the boat on the car all alone and pampering his primary princess the entire weekend.
Peeps, we went at high noon practically, dumb us, so the fish did not bite and we got a tad over heated. Lesson learned. After fishing, we came back and had hot dogs on the fire and Caleb mowed the land. As he was mowing, I gathered wood for burning in the pit. I was very proud of myself and gathered a heaping pile. How did I get it all back to the cabin you ask? Well I put a tarp on the ground like a blanket and gathered all the wood on top and drug it back. Okay, I did not drag it the entire way due to the weight but my studly husbo helped in the end. I was way proud of myself and Caleb thought I overdid my task for sure. Caleb and I made burgers on the skillet for dinner and we enjoyed the fire throughout the night. I made a KILLER fire to start off the night. Something about the campfire that I really enjoy. I am very opinionated when it comes to fire making, I came to that realization this weekend.
We woke in the morning to me sleeping great and Caleb got a neck cramp in the night so woke up very early to pain. Poor guy. Clean-up day is never fun so we just packed up and gathered in the morning, ate breakfast and lunch on the fire. Played a quick game of cribbage (a tradition) and headed home. I drove my baby home because of his lack of sleep and pain which the journey felt like it took forever.
In other news, we had a third ultrasound for Gibby. It turns out if your placenta grows over your cervix, baby baby can’t come into this world with out a c-section. Who knew? The good news is that this issue arose during my 20-week ultra sound so this ultra sound was to let us know that it has moved and I am back on the “normal” pregnancy spectrum. Jesus is very nice to this girl. This kid is just the cutest. It was smushed up against my belly so we were not able to get 3D images. It is okay though because we saw Gibby open it’s eyes, hiccup, and he/she was just longing with it’s arm above it’s head having a leisure day in the womb. Just the cutest to have it inside my belly moving CONSTANTLY!
- An acorn squash is present under my shirt this week measuring 16 inches long and a lil over 3 pounds.
- Supposedly I am running out of room in there for the lil cutie so jabs and kicks are my future and present days. I do not mind feeling this kid on a constant basis though.
- Hiccups should be felt starting this week which I am very much looking forward to. I feel like it would be great to feel those!
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- My headaches are all but gone. Isn’t that just the best? I am now taking 350mg of Tylenol when I feel a headache coming on and it has worked like a charm and dissipate within a couple hours. Heavenly.
- No new stretch marks to claim quite yet. This whole hydrating your skin thing is new to me but is working out great.
- I get those belly pains every so often and they scare me so much. I feel like something is the matter with my kiddo so I get quite emotional (ask Caleb, ha ha.) and freak out a bit. Oh the life of a hormonal wife, my husband.
Long weekend is in store, yippee!
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