So here is a story. I called the florist a little while ago and she told me I was not written down for my wedding date. This was a total scare-fest for me and I literally lost it a lil. Luckily, she moved some things around in her life to make it work out. She is literally the best florist in the Madison area when it comes to unique flowers that no one will ever really think to use and combine. She is not "out there", she is just really good at what she does. Ever since I saw the flowers she put together for my dad's celebration day, I really wanted her to do my wedding flowers. So.... I got what I have dreamed of and I know she will put the icing AND the cherry on top for my wedding.
So, here is the bouquet I am choosing to carry down the aisle for my wedded day.
This is not even close to my dress, FYI. |
Ta-da! Long stemmed. Peonies and organic mustard flowers. I couldn't ask for a better combo for this season of my life. I think I am getting too excited about this whole wedding details thing.... WAY better than crying over venues and date changes. I have come a long way, people.
I love this!!!! Whew that was stressful though.