

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Welcome to Our Blissful Blog!

Well hello friends and family!

You have been redirected from my Spain travel blog to this page I am guessing. If not and this is your first encounter with me, this is one of those blogs that let's you into the times and events of two lovebirds planning and learning to live as one. Who will be writing? Well, me, Laura. I am a marketing/spanish student who is preparing to marry a man, Caleb, I met a short four and a half years ago. I cannot wait to start this blog off and be able to share what is going on in our lives.

See you soon with plenty of wedding information and excitements to come!


  1. Look at you diving into the family Blog-o-sphere so early! You are definitely a go-getter, but we already knew that :) I'm super excited to watch you and Caleb continue to grow together !!
