

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Week 13 in Review: Rollie is officially three months old!

Happy Three Month, Baby Boy! Momma loves you so much and is so excited for you to be three months old.

  • He isn't interested in rolling over really anymore but is totally capable. 
  • He smiles at ma and daddio every chance he gets. 
  • He loves to stand up ALL THE TIME and walk about with us when he feels like it (and when the flooring feels right). 
  • Tummy time is boring for him so I am trying to find things to entertain him while he is on his belly. Any ideas? 
  • He grabs onto his hair with a death grip while in his swing (BTW, he loves his swing) and hold all things cotton whether it is his shirt, my shirt, the burp cloth while feeding... he just really loves to hold onto cloth.
  • He LOVES to watch his hands as they move. It is quite precious. 
I would say our favorite facial expression that we both enjoy is when he gets a lil shy and stuffs his face into one side of his neck and gives out a huge face-smooshing grin. Oh. Heavens. Just the sweetest.

Momma had a melt down last Thursday and cried to Caleb to come home ASAP as I was losing my marbles at home. He literally sped home and ran inside only to find Rollie drinking his bottle and humming to the sound of his life. Did I feel foolish? Obviously. The thing about it is, when a baby cries all the live long day because he cannot take naps, this momma is out of her whits end. She feels defeated and alone in these times. I really learned a lot from that melt down and I am SO thankful to have Caleb to rescue me in those times. I learned that I am not a perfect mom that is going to get it right every time and that my baby needs flexibility in his life in order to really pull through. Rollie is my favorite lil boy by far and all I want of him is his happy self and when naps tell him different, I just feel very sad for him.

Since Thursday, Rollie didn't do super well on the weekend but has had an 1-3 hour nap each day this week. I am learning that Rollie does better without TONS of face-to-face time and LESS time awake. He may be my sleepy baby but if he can only endure 45 min wake times, then so be it. He will get to 1-2 hours eventually. Moms gotta do what their babies need and not what the books are saying to do sometimes. Am I right?

This family does not have a ton to update on. I had a second interview at a business that I REALLY want to be apart of so please pray that they choose me. I will know by the next time I am writing this blog so stay tuned. I did turn down a different job today that I feel selfish for doing. I just did not like the job and if I have to leave Rollie at a sitters then I want to go to a job that is worth it. This job was just going to pay the bills and not be something I would enjoy. It is what it is but I think I was supposed to deny the position, I think.

To end, here is our cute lil boy just being cute. You are welcome.

We tried a paci over the weekend, no success.
Too much work to keep that thing in!

Diggin the swing

Storytime with Dad.

Big boy sitting in a big boy chair

Just happy times for this one.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Week 12 in Review: Last Minute Wis Dells Visit & Valentine's Day Bliss

Well Rollie is officially 12 weeks old but will have to wait for his 3 months pics until next week due to the 24th being his actual celebratory day. Time has flown with him being my lil sidekick at home all week.

This kid loves when his father gets home and seems to give dad his last bit of happiness for the day. Naps are seldom more than 45 minutes and this lil momma cannot figure out what to do to make those things longer! What a little equation to figure out for him. He sleeps 10 hours exactly every night regardless of the time we put him down. It only fluctuates by a hour give or take but this kid is a champ night sleeper. I so know he needs the naps because he gets mighty grumpy when he doesn't get naps.
This man should be sleeping but alas, wide eyed.

ISU game was on TV so Rollie was able to watch
TV with dad.

The weather has been tolerable so we went for a run
in the sun.

Sometimes he just chills like this
and is content. Good mom? Bad mom?

Just a whole-fist type of man we have. Yummy.

I sat down with the lady from my church that will be taking care of my lil one and I feel do relieved to 1) have found someone I can trust and loves Jesus and 2) know I can go back to work without needing to make a large downpayment on a facility. I met her at a mom's group that I go to every Tuesday and she just offered without me asking which was something that I asked God to help me with as I know only a couple people here so I was seeking blindly. Big Blessing!

Going back to work... I have a second interview at an engineering firm being an assistant and also have a solid lead on a client representative position in the area. I am very hopeful for them both and am eager to help Caleb pay the bills once again.

Valentine's Day was simple but great. We went out for lunch to Caleb's favorite restaurant here, Red Eye Brewing Co., and enjoyed a peaceful lunch as Rollie slept in my arms like a champ. This is the fourth time that he has fallen asleep in my arms and he is just the cutest sleeper ever, personas. It took a lot within me to not just kiss his forehead over and over again. I received a new cardigan and Caleb received some new beer essentials from me. We were simple but thoughtful this year, just the way it should be.

On Sunday, I made a trip with just Rollie to Wis Dells to pay my last respects to my childhood pastor, Dennis Schueler. That man did more for the community than a lot of people knew before he passed and he will surely be missed by hundreds. It was great to see my mom and go with her and my childhood friend, Patrick, to see those that we haven't seen in a very long time. Just a great bunch of folks that made it out to Pastor's celebration service. My mom and I had the night before to catch up a little bit and to play with Rollie but it is never long enough time when I am with my mom. She is the best person I have ever met and I truly cherish her and her presence.
We tried out the rock and play again.
He does not love it. Ha!

Happiness at the Dells Condo

Mom and Rollie. Presh.

Four Generations. Unbelievable!

Other than that... we are up to just the basics. :)

Friday, February 12, 2016

Week 11 in Review: Take Out Food and Touchdown TV

We were quite uneventful this past week but we still have quite a cute kid so I will just share some photos after a brief summary.

I have really been taking this time with Rollie to savor him. Peeps, he brings me so much joy and so much contentment in not being able to find a job. I have been able to take care of my boy (my dream) and meet moms at a church mom group every Tuesday. I will really miss these moments when Jesus shows me where my next job is. Phew, applying to jobs feels like a job sometimes. It is safe to say I have filled out over 20 applications and applied for over 30 positions. Soon, peeps, I feel it. I will find a job so soon. Until then, this is life:

We still have no created any solid friends here that enjoy football like we do so we watched the Superbowl at home and made enough food for 6 people. We ate it all ourselves though, it was delish. We had Lil Smokies, Personal Pizzas, Doritos, Queso Dip, & Hot Wings... no shame, it was the Superbowl! We also were the new parents that we are and splurged on sharing a three-piece Friday Fish Fry as take out. Folks, we are tight on the funds these days but that doesn't mean Rollie can limit us from Friday traditions once in a while. It worked out great because I just made a baked potato here and we shared the fish and coleslaw. So... that is about it. Boring as nothing else but not every week needs to have shots, baby accomplishments, and weekends away.

The only TV we let him watch: Sports!

Ready for the big game!

Happiest lil boy

Just so happy.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 10 in Review: Winter Fest & 2-Month Dr Appt

Hello to all who take the time to be curious about my life. I feel like this gets boring but I think each week that I will enjoy looking back and reminiscing about Rollie's first year of life.

Wausau had it's 5th annual Winter Fest this past weekend and the weather was so beautiful. We went for a very long walk on Friday with Rollie tucked into his cute lil snow suit that he was gifted. He is such a lil ham in that thing!

On Saturday, there was hot cocoa to share, mac & cheese contest to indulge in, a snow hill for the kiddos, owls to observe, and even curling, snowbike, and dog-pull demonstrations.

We took it for what it was and the hour of entertainment it gave us and then returned home for a quiet weekend.

On Monday, it was my dad's birthday so I went ahead and baked a cherry pie for him (his fave) and remembered the good of a man I was able to call my dad for 19 years. Blessed.

On Tuesday, I started yoga for the first time and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was tough but very relaxing. I didn't remember how peaceful my mind and life was without my lil guy and I love going back to that place for 30 minutes three times a week. I love my boys but sometimes they take up all my mind and thoughts. It can be called my me time.

On Wednesday, Rollie was brave and went to the pediatrician's for his shots and check-up. Peeps, he was bright-eyed and cheerful all the way up until the shots. He is a tiny boy (40th percentile) other than his head circumference which is in the 90th percentile. We will take a tiny boy as long as he is healthy and happy as he is. He has surpassed expectations for holding his head up while on his belly and wouldn't stop rolling over as the doctor tried to keep him on his belly. He is a persistent boy with the rolling from belly to back. He does still have a good amount of his cradle cap which looks a lil nasty but he could care less so I will just keep taking it off his face and leaving under all his hair. So the shots... they asked Caleb to hold Rollie's hands while he laid on his back. The nurses counted to three as Rollie cooed at his dad and suddenly... he was poked, his face went to stunned, his face turned deep red, he preceded to wail very loud, and was unconsolable for the next 5 minutes. He felt betrayed his father and abandoned by his mother so the ride home from the clinic was a little aggressive as he told us how disappointed he was in what we did to him. When we arrived home, he wanted nothing else but to sleep so I just woke him to give him a bottle and that was all. He wanted nothing to do with his normal life of happiness and just wanted to be left alone. We did manage to get one smile from him before he went to bed for the night and we literally squealed and high-fived eachother because we just were so excited our boy was coming out of his pitiful stage of life and back to our happy boy. He slept for 6 hours that night and woke with a new perspective on life.

Jesus is good to us and we are so happy Rollie is back to his ol' self.