Not long after mom left, the bestie came flying in from the colder weather. Sar Bear came for a day of her Spring Break being that she is a teacher. I appreciated all she brings with her such as: love, commitment, laughter, and girl time. Am I home sick for my rock solid community in MN? You gotta believe it. I am being timid here in Chicago with finding friends. I keep telling myself that it is because I have friends, why would I want any more? I truth behind my shell is that I am nervous to start anything knowing that I am probably not going to stay long. Caleb getting into a residency in Chicago, or MN for that matter, is not a guarantee. This thought makes me think I am not planting anything anywhere until I know what the future has in store. Because I have this mentality, I may be losing out on some great people. Hmm, there's a thought...
Maybe you could pray for some direction? Thanks. A girl needs a community whether it be a forever or a year-long community. I can be brave. I am brave.
BACK TO SARAH BEING HERE... sorry about that. Sar Bear came for a whopping 36 hours. (She is a tease). Due to the speedy visit we did as much as we possibly could. We grabbed Deep Dish Pizza for lunch, Chicago Dogs for Dinner, Millenium Park, John Hancock Bulding, and a piano bar. She knows me well and is apart of the handful of friends I have that appreciates piano bars enough to humor my obsession. Thanks, chica! She came by plane but experienced the CTA system a whole lot. I think she really enjoyed herself. I know I loved it so much. Enjoy the photo montage we were able to do...
Love you, baby girl. Thanks for the memories.