Seeing that I have been lazy with posts in the entirety of October... here is a recap.
One of my key items to do for my job is event planning. We are very bottom heavy on the calendar when it comes to events. Our first yearly event is the end of September and the last one is the first Thursday in December. We had 6 this year and needless to say, it takes a lot of thinking to get these event to work out so I have been occupied with those.
With the first event being an orchard, I had a plethora of apples to use up so bestie Bek came over and we made all things apple. I have the easiest, healthiest, and yummiest applesauce recipe. You should ask me about it. We literally cut up over 50 apples and enjoyed chit-chatting all through the afternoon.
A couple weeks ago I went to watch another bestie conquer a half marathon. It was a early but very rewarding day to share in. She beat her time that she wanted to get and we visited her a few times throughout the race. There is something powerful about watching those around you conquer goals in there life, especially if you can watch the feats live. Here she is before the race.
Such a precious person to me. |
A different bestie, Kate, had her baby a couple weeks ago. She had a baby boy and named him Josiah. He had a rough few minutes of life but now is just the cutest. My oh my, babies are gifts, however seeing someone nearest to me having a baby makes me want to wait longer for babes. We are just so young, people. Here he is with Bek and one from Halloween too.
Other than babies, races, and client events, Caleb and I still sit at home and watch TV. Yup, that is all we do if we are home and I am not even joking a lil.