Well folks, I feel like we had the best of times over the Labor Day. We went beach camping on the Mississippi River. It was so fun. We were dropped of by Caleb's friend, Tim, and then we had dinner, bfast, lunch before Tim came to get us the next day. What did we eat? Hot Dogs for lunch and dinner and eggs with sausage in the cast iron skillet. We also made coffee on the fire with the french press and had a 2 liter of cherry coke. It was awesome! What did we do with our time? Well Caleb fished, I picked rocks for the fire pit and then we laid in that hammock for a good amount of time. We brought wood with us so that was never a worry. It was SO windy so we did use every last piece of wood that we found and then pulled up some exposed roots from the trees after that. Did we sleep? Nah, not a whole lot. We thought the sand would cushion us, it did not. We thought people would go to be around midnight, the last went to bed at 4AM so we were up most the night listening to oldies whether we wanted to or not. We would totally do it all over again... we would just bring the air mattress, that is all. Please enjoy the picks to visually see how much fun we had. It was way fun, peeps.