Gabriel Keith Long: I have known Gabe for a long time, but became real close friends with him when we roomed together at college. We did a lot together during those years and had a lot of fun doing it. Hands down, he was one of the greatest friends and role models I had going through college. His actions and just the way he lived his life had a huge impact on me. I would not be the man I am today without having Gabe in my life. He is truly an awesome guy, and I am so thankful to have had the chance to get to know him. He is currently living in Seattle, WA with his wife Naomi. How fun is that!? Super fun!
Nathan Paul Klinge: My oldest and tallest brother. I looked up to Nate, literally and figuratively, all throughout my childhood and really thought he was the coolest. Boy, was I wrong... just kidding! I started to like a lot of things just because he liked them. I started playing baseball because he loved baseball. I became a fan of the Oakland A's and the Chicago Bears just because he was a fan. And to this day, I love all of those things. He has been a great older brother. He is now married and has the best little nephew I could ever have. He works as an architect in Chicago and loves life.

Timothy Fredrick Klinge: Tim and I did a lot together when we were younger. Whether it be playing Lego’s, building our own BMX bike, or driving to Chicago to buy a new car, we hung out a quite a bit. Tim is Mr. fix it and can do just about everything. He has saved me countless dollars by helping me fix my cars over the years. What a guy! He is married and has an adorable little daughter. They live in Gladbrook, IA and Tim currently works as an engineer at Emerson.

Titus Harrison Klinge: My little brother that is smarter than anyone in the world. Tim and I would get so mad at him when he would beat us at our monthly home-school spelling exam. Tim literally cried when Titus beat him one time. Right now Titus is in graduate school at Iowa State University. He is studying computer science and I would assume he is at the top of his class. He is not defined by his academic success though, instead he is defined by the way he walks through life, striving to be more like Jesus and serving everyone around him in everything he does. It has been so awesome to see him grow into such a great spiritual leader.

Joshua David Klinge: The youngest of my four brothers. Little buddy Josh and I have had times of being best buds and times where we hated each other. So pretty much a normal brother to brother relationship. But in all seriousness, Josh is growing up into a pretty cool cat. He is finishing up high school right now and is working at a local grocery store. He also has the sole responsibility of protecting our mom and dad, seeing that he is the last sibling at the homestead. Good work Josh, keep on keeping on.
Joel Thomas Groten: Met this guy during the first week of college. We lived in the same hall and had a few classes together our Freshman year. Me, Joel and a few other guys forged a strong bond during our Sophomore year. He and I were driving buddies on our trip down to Florida. Side note, Joel almost killed us all and continually fell asleep during our driving sessions. But I love him and am super thankful to have him as a friend. He is currently finishing up graduate school at the University of Minnesota and is getting married two weeks before Laura and I am. So fun!

Levi Budd: Really got to know this "budd"y over the summer after my junior year. He slept in the 'napping quarters' underneath our lofted couch. That was probably the funnest Summer I've had yet. We just hung out and played games. Highlight moment; Levi and I are playing Gabe and Jake in whiffle-ball. It was the final inning and we were down by one run, and Gabe's pitching was virtually unhittable. With two outs, Levi blasted a game tying homer! The next inning he launches another two run shot to win the game. Levi was a hero! He is currently in graduate school at the Art Institute of Chicago. Best artist hands down, see some of his stuff at
Timothy Utecht: Tim and I got to live together during our senior year at the 'Bestie' house. He is one of the smartest and studious people I know. Tim lives in Stillwater, MN and works at a lab testing blood samples. He is getting married this Summer, and I am honored to be in his wedding. What an awesome, loyal friend!
THE BAND (Royal Engine Company)
(Mentioned Left to Right)
Micah Don Patchin(master guitar player): He hated me our Freshman year, but that hate turned into a beautiful friendship our Sophomore year. His fun, crazy personality always keeps things interesting. Random trips to his families’ cabin in Wisconsin are some of my favorite memories of college. He is a very talented musical mastermind. And his passion for creating joyous music is always evident. He is currently living in Minneapolis with me and a few other guys, what fun!
Aaron Bristow(boss of the upright bass): The younger cousin of the aforementioned Micah Patchin. First met Aaron during an excursion to Micah's house in Wisconsin. He is also a current housemate of ours in Minneapolis. He is basically a funnier version of Micah. The house is definitely a livelier place when Aaron is around. He is currently attending the University of Minnesota and is greatly awaiting his girlfriends return from her semester abroad.
Zak Stelter(banjo extraordinaire): Met Zak during the first couple weeks of school when Joel and I needed the 'correct' answers to a biology assignment. I knew I liked Zak when he gave his student government speech and explained everything in biology terms. I didn't become close friends with Zak until our sophomore year when we, and a few other friends, hung out all the time. He loves to make Star Wars quotes, and in Joel's words, is a one trick pony. He is the best banjo picker in the tri-state area, no doubt. He is currently working at the University of Minnesota, but would much rather build cabins for a living.
Seth Randall Conover: We go way back! Back to the days of our home-school basketball glory. We were part of an unbeatable, five man basketball team that won countless championships. Our friendship continued through high school and into college, as we both attended Northwestern. We have had the privilege of living together for the past couple years now. Seth dominates with his song writing abilities, no joke. Some of his classic songs, such as "Froblems" and "The Bluegrass Breakup" will always ring through my head. He is currently working at Northwestern College but plans on attending graduate school in Chicago in the near future.
Curt Folkestad: Have gotten to know this guy better over the past few years. We met at Northwestern College and struck up a friendship. He is pretty funny and always seems to get people laughing. We have a mutual love of disc golf which allows us to enjoy a the great outdoors as well as each others company. Curt is currently working at at US Bank and will be attending graduate school at Saint Mary's University in Minneapolis this fall.

Jake Otterness: Jake is a "mad dog"! His strong, overly aggressive personality was way too much for me to handle at first. After that freshman we decided to be friends. If I want to do anything active or involving a ball, Jake will be there in the blink of an eye. It is super fun to have a friend that is always willing to play catch or help round up enough guys for a basketball game. We have very similar interests, which makes it easy to have a blast all the time. Jake is currently married and attending graduate school at Saint Mary's University in Minneapolis.