I just want to come over to the blog and mention that I found this in the kitchen this morning:
My husband has a story for this one and I will try to remember all the details...
So last night we were making homemade pizza and Caleb went to look for the yeast in the cupboard. When he opened up the cupboard, he found the starcrunch sitting all by its lonesome. So, in order for me not to become suspicious, he hid behind the cupboard door and ruffled some chip bags and other cupboard items as he ate a bite of the starcrunch. He then found the yeast and forgot completely about the snack and shut the cupboard to start the pizzza crust. THIS MORNING I open the cupboard to get things for lunches and this image is what I found. I went to the bathroom and asked him what had happened. His cheeks became red and he giggled as he told me the story.
He is pretty adorable to me and I love him a lot. End of story.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Decorating the Lovely Pine
We got home and sneaked our real tree into our home. We are still unsure if Saint Paul allows real trees in small apartments but we never asked so I guess the Lord will look down upon us with favor if we still have it by Christmas.
Judging? Please don't.
The following day we went to Target to get the lights Caleb needed. Okay, my boy NEEDS colored lights on his tree. WHY, WHY OH WHY?!?!?! I do not care for colored lights and never really thought I would own some on my first tree, EVER. Needless to say, we have colored lights on our first tree. Some may find it fascinating that a boy could love Christmas as much as my boy but it is very true, Caleb has passions and one of those passions is Christmas and everything Christmas. There is no negotiating when it comes to decor and "how-to" do Christmas. This is a battle that is more fun to watch then to participate in frustrating him so I just watch and giggle.
Here is the Tuesday night we shared together... decorating:
Until next time, Merry Tree Decorating. We created Christmas cards today, you are gonna love them!
Judging? Please don't.
The following day we went to Target to get the lights Caleb needed. Okay, my boy NEEDS colored lights on his tree. WHY, WHY OH WHY?!?!?! I do not care for colored lights and never really thought I would own some on my first tree, EVER. Needless to say, we have colored lights on our first tree. Some may find it fascinating that a boy could love Christmas as much as my boy but it is very true, Caleb has passions and one of those passions is Christmas and everything Christmas. There is no negotiating when it comes to decor and "how-to" do Christmas. This is a battle that is more fun to watch then to participate in frustrating him so I just watch and giggle.
Here is the Tuesday night we shared together... decorating:
Cute! I love him and we loves this tree. |
Caleb being artsy... pretty good, eh? |
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tree Hunting
Caleb and I got back from Turkey weekend and we feel beyond blessed. I absolutely love family immediate and extended. There are things that went not as planned like Caleb getting a terrible a back ache that made him semi-immobile. It was hard to watch him suffer but he was such a trooper. It was great to watch the "Able Lincoln" movie with some of the Klinge siblings especially the quatity of popcorn and soda we consumed. Ha. So on the way home from Iowa we stopped at Budd Tree Farm in Albert Lea, MN and picked up our tree. It was necessary to watch the last of the bears game so when we got to the MN border the sun was a-leaving. We were not panicked as we didn't think it was going to take long to find our tree. We got lost, people. It was PITCH black when we got to the tree farm but Levi's, one of the ushers and great friend of Caleb, dad was willing to let us look. We drove around like mad men and then ran around to find prices. We thought we had taken enough money but we found out fast a real tree is not cheap so we looked for longer than we anticipated. Then, there it was. Just standing there.
We got a big, bushy (and very prickly) Christmas tree. Our very first family tree. It was beautiful. We took it to be paid for and we were off.
We lugged it on top of the camry and rode the whole 1.5 hours home to put it up the next day. This was a sentimental day for us and we are very pleased with it thus far.
Day or Night, Light or dark...we found it!
We got a big, bushy (and very prickly) Christmas tree. Our very first family tree. It was beautiful. We took it to be paid for and we were off.
We lugged it on top of the camry and rode the whole 1.5 hours home to put it up the next day. This was a sentimental day for us and we are very pleased with it thus far.
Day or Night, Light or dark...we found it!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
We're Back!
Hey folks,
We are back. We are married. We are so loving married life. I will show you the photos from the wedding next week but this week I would like to talk about life since 10.27.12.
We started out with spending time with our nephew, Miles, for his birthday party. It was a blast to watch him play with all his spiderman gear he received. We then went to my house and watched football with my grandma, mom, and uncle/aunt from Chicago. It was necessary to watch BOTH the packers and the bears. (both won, no worries) We did not need to worry about our gifts because my friend, Bek, and her husband took all our gifts for us to our house. When we got home we opened half our presents and then went to bed. We were in Saint Paul for two days and did nothing but stuff around the apt, it was so great to not have to do anything but be together.
On Wednesday, we took a plane to FL and flew into Orlando. When we arrived we sat down and store internet from the airport to book our car and hotel. We got a killer deal on the car due to the hurricanes on the east coast. We also only paid $52 for our hotel room, we were skeptical but all worked out. We went to the pool that day and did not much more during the day. When we got to yhr hotel check-in was not ready yet so we found a Chik-fil-a (we had never been to one) and ordered some fast food. We loved it so much. We also decided to splurge and go to Cirque du Solei at Downtown Disney. It was fantastic! Oh my, we love those shows so much. (We went to one in Spain while Caleb visited.) When we got to the show, the seating assistant asked us if we would like to sit in the front row, we were very willing and literally were underneath much of the show. Before the show, we went to an Irish Pub that turned out to be very good food. There was a live band playing Irish music and people in kilts dancing.
We traveled to Tampa on Thursday but stopped by Chik-fil-a for some bfast before we hit the interstate. There is only 1.5 hours between the two big cities so it did not take long at all. We got a room for $42 a night and it was right on a bay with white sand and tiki huts, very tropical feeling. It was also a condo with a full kitchen, so nice. We had a great time at the resort. We wanted to spend some time outside of the resort too so we went to the mall. That was a free ride but going to Target was not free. Because of this, we decided to take a 30 minute walk to Target from the mall. It was touch and go for me as I was in dress sandals. Caleb learned a lot about my whining on the way to Target, oops. I thought it was a good idea for me to buy new shoes while at Target so I wouldn't whine any more. Caleb thought tennis shoes would be good but I thought flats would because I would wear flats again unlike the tennis shoes. So, I bought the flats... bad idea. I got TERRIBLE blisters on the back of my left foot for the remainder of the honeymoon and I ended up needing to put the terrible-support flip flops back on. We laid out in the sun and I got burned pretty bad. I was not sad about this because that meant my body was getting it's painful first layer of sun. We had dinner at a fun restaurant called "Bahama Breeze" down the road. It came time to pay for the food at the end of dinner and we paid on a visa gift card. Little did we know that when you pay with a gift card, you cannot tip with it. This was mortifying because then all we had was a 10% tip all in change to offer. We bee-lined out of that restaurant as soon as we laid down all the change so that we would not be judged or see the face of our INCREDIBLE waitress. I still feel terrible about it.
On Saturday we took a shuttle to the port to get on the ship. We did not know what else to do with no transportation and an early check out at the hotel so we decided to get to the ship as early as we could. It worked out great because lunch was being served on the ship and we indulged on this. We laid out in the sun as the ship sailed off and were smiling from ear-to-ear in excitement to finally be on our honeymoon cruise. The people on the ship were very nice and we had a great time on the ship. We spent a significant time in our ship room as we were burnt and we got bored of the ship. We were not bored on Sunday as the ship allowed all of us to watch the NFL games. The only difference we had from any given Sunday for us was that we were sitting outside, basking in the sun while cheering on our teams. There was ping-pong which worked out great for me as I got much better at the game. Caleb even told me he tried while playing me. This is a huge compliment as my husband is a very good ping-pong player. He got second place at the cruise ping-pong tournament. Big deal, people; this is a big deal. They also had a mini golf course and a water slide. There was one night as others were at the clubs where Caleb and I went into the hot tub at the back of the ship and it was so nice to be in such relaxation mode while sailing the gulf of Mexico. We ate dinner with a couple from Kansas City and also one from Tampa Bay. It was nice to see people like us everyday and debrief each day.
We went on two excursions, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. In Grand Cayman, we went to Stingray City. This is where you can hold sting rays and swim with them. It was SO much fun. Caleb and I both held a sting ray. There was a prego momma ray that we felt her moving belly. The boys don't get bigger than two feet wide but momma get to be four feet wide because the babies swim underneath them as they grow up. How cool is that? In Cozumel we were given a gift from two Klinge siblings and their spouses (Thanks Nick, Tim, Carrie and Beth) for kayaking and snorkeling. Unfortunately, it was too windy to do the kayaking so we were transfered for a trip to a private island with water trampolines and such along with a Mexican buffet and tiki-beds. We utilized all these things by the time it was time to leave.
We came home safely and we are safe and sound in our downtown Saint Paul apt and worked a full work week. It is nice to be back to reality but I think we will miss the carefree life we had during our honeymoon. Nothing went wrong at the wedding, honeymoon, or thus far. A good sign for the future I pray.
So people, we are back and I am back to my weekly posts. If you have missed me, I was only gone for a lil. Continue to pray for us, we are loving married life but could always use a praying section as you cheer us on in our marriage.
We are back. We are married. We are so loving married life. I will show you the photos from the wedding next week but this week I would like to talk about life since 10.27.12.
We started out with spending time with our nephew, Miles, for his birthday party. It was a blast to watch him play with all his spiderman gear he received. We then went to my house and watched football with my grandma, mom, and uncle/aunt from Chicago. It was necessary to watch BOTH the packers and the bears. (both won, no worries) We did not need to worry about our gifts because my friend, Bek, and her husband took all our gifts for us to our house. When we got home we opened half our presents and then went to bed. We were in Saint Paul for two days and did nothing but stuff around the apt, it was so great to not have to do anything but be together.
On Wednesday, we took a plane to FL and flew into Orlando. When we arrived we sat down and store internet from the airport to book our car and hotel. We got a killer deal on the car due to the hurricanes on the east coast. We also only paid $52 for our hotel room, we were skeptical but all worked out. We went to the pool that day and did not much more during the day. When we got to yhr hotel check-in was not ready yet so we found a Chik-fil-a (we had never been to one) and ordered some fast food. We loved it so much. We also decided to splurge and go to Cirque du Solei at Downtown Disney. It was fantastic! Oh my, we love those shows so much. (We went to one in Spain while Caleb visited.) When we got to the show, the seating assistant asked us if we would like to sit in the front row, we were very willing and literally were underneath much of the show. Before the show, we went to an Irish Pub that turned out to be very good food. There was a live band playing Irish music and people in kilts dancing.
The cutie assigned to sit next to me on the plane. |
Chik-babies... |
Our Mazda 2 we drove. We loved it! |
Cique du Solei... La Nouba |
Front row tickets |
Irish Pub in Downtown Disney |
We traveled to Tampa on Thursday but stopped by Chik-fil-a for some bfast before we hit the interstate. There is only 1.5 hours between the two big cities so it did not take long at all. We got a room for $42 a night and it was right on a bay with white sand and tiki huts, very tropical feeling. It was also a condo with a full kitchen, so nice. We had a great time at the resort. We wanted to spend some time outside of the resort too so we went to the mall. That was a free ride but going to Target was not free. Because of this, we decided to take a 30 minute walk to Target from the mall. It was touch and go for me as I was in dress sandals. Caleb learned a lot about my whining on the way to Target, oops. I thought it was a good idea for me to buy new shoes while at Target so I wouldn't whine any more. Caleb thought tennis shoes would be good but I thought flats would because I would wear flats again unlike the tennis shoes. So, I bought the flats... bad idea. I got TERRIBLE blisters on the back of my left foot for the remainder of the honeymoon and I ended up needing to put the terrible-support flip flops back on. We laid out in the sun and I got burned pretty bad. I was not sad about this because that meant my body was getting it's painful first layer of sun. We had dinner at a fun restaurant called "Bahama Breeze" down the road. It came time to pay for the food at the end of dinner and we paid on a visa gift card. Little did we know that when you pay with a gift card, you cannot tip with it. This was mortifying because then all we had was a 10% tip all in change to offer. We bee-lined out of that restaurant as soon as we laid down all the change so that we would not be judged or see the face of our INCREDIBLE waitress. I still feel terrible about it.
Breakfast as newly married folk |
Chillin in the sun |
Tampa view |
On Saturday we took a shuttle to the port to get on the ship. We did not know what else to do with no transportation and an early check out at the hotel so we decided to get to the ship as early as we could. It worked out great because lunch was being served on the ship and we indulged on this. We laid out in the sun as the ship sailed off and were smiling from ear-to-ear in excitement to finally be on our honeymoon cruise. The people on the ship were very nice and we had a great time on the ship. We spent a significant time in our ship room as we were burnt and we got bored of the ship. We were not bored on Sunday as the ship allowed all of us to watch the NFL games. The only difference we had from any given Sunday for us was that we were sitting outside, basking in the sun while cheering on our teams. There was ping-pong which worked out great for me as I got much better at the game. Caleb even told me he tried while playing me. This is a huge compliment as my husband is a very good ping-pong player. He got second place at the cruise ping-pong tournament. Big deal, people; this is a big deal. They also had a mini golf course and a water slide. There was one night as others were at the clubs where Caleb and I went into the hot tub at the back of the ship and it was so nice to be in such relaxation mode while sailing the gulf of Mexico. We ate dinner with a couple from Kansas City and also one from Tampa Bay. It was nice to see people like us everyday and debrief each day.
Traveling by sea |
Sunsets for lovers |
Our ship |
The Wife |
The Husband |
We went on two excursions, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. In Grand Cayman, we went to Stingray City. This is where you can hold sting rays and swim with them. It was SO much fun. Caleb and I both held a sting ray. There was a prego momma ray that we felt her moving belly. The boys don't get bigger than two feet wide but momma get to be four feet wide because the babies swim underneath them as they grow up. How cool is that? In Cozumel we were given a gift from two Klinge siblings and their spouses (Thanks Nick, Tim, Carrie and Beth) for kayaking and snorkeling. Unfortunately, it was too windy to do the kayaking so we were transfered for a trip to a private island with water trampolines and such along with a Mexican buffet and tiki-beds. We utilized all these things by the time it was time to leave.
The private beach in Cozumel |
Snorkeling with stingrays |
Caleb holding a stingray |
Hottie on the private beach |
We came home safely and we are safe and sound in our downtown Saint Paul apt and worked a full work week. It is nice to be back to reality but I think we will miss the carefree life we had during our honeymoon. Nothing went wrong at the wedding, honeymoon, or thus far. A good sign for the future I pray.
So people, we are back and I am back to my weekly posts. If you have missed me, I was only gone for a lil. Continue to pray for us, we are loving married life but could always use a praying section as you cheer us on in our marriage.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Books, We Read 2 Books
Many people claim that reading marriage books before you get married causes great conversation and moments of honesty. I would have to side with them. Caleb and I read two books: "Things I Wish I Would Have Known Before I Got Married" and "Real Marriage". We were planning on more but two books for two kids who do not appreciate the leisure of reading did mighty good for two.
It seems like forever ago that we read Things I Wish... by Gary Chapman but I do remember the moments and exercises we did at the end of every conversation. We did really learn a lot about eachother. How does mom do things? What expectation do you have of me in A, B, C? Why do you need to be in charge of finances and not me? Do you want me to mother the children at home or shall I be a working lady? Things some of you read and think, "heck, don't live in that mentality. You are a woman with RIGHTS." Peeps, I am pumped to "submit", I am excited to be dependent on someone. I have lived life depending on those around me but knowing at the end of the day I am independent in my decisions; It is all about me. Well, surprise... marriage is about us, we, the other one. I learned how that can look without being terrible and how it can look and actually be a natural feeling. We know what chores are to be done by whom and we know why it is a smart idea for me to have an allowance like a 2nd grader so I don't "lose" money on accident due to shoes and the GAP.
Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll was a'ight but seemed long and too over our heads. The struggle the Driscolls go through are for married peeps and not wannabes. The Sex section harmed us and didn't help us. We were put into the spot of "Is the birth control that you use abortive?" Ours is semi-abortive. What the crap!?!? (Another day, another blog post), we have not looked too far into it and we still use it so I think we are just fine for now. Mark and Grace, his wife, talked about how communication is crucial and WANTING to know you spouse is life or death for a marriage. We learned that going beyond the book and doing the "homework" is needed in order to take the book home. Caleb has done the homework, I am still working on it. Homework is answering questions, doing the hard work to figure out what a marriage is to look like from "A's" perspecitve and then seeing how that goes along with "B's" perspective. I think it will be great. We did learn about the stagnant moments of a marriage... they happen and we are not supposed to sulk in them but find a way out. Life is crucial to be done together if your marriage is to work. I believe that to be true.
So my takeaway...
I love Caleb with a lot of my heart and I know I have found my gameday buddy, my forever pal. He truely makes me the happiest and is the one to know me better than anyone else. I love that man. I love him. A lot. Soon and very soon I can hold possesion of him and no one else can even think about him without thinking of me. We are going to be one. Hoo-Rahhhh.
It seems like forever ago that we read Things I Wish... by Gary Chapman but I do remember the moments and exercises we did at the end of every conversation. We did really learn a lot about eachother. How does mom do things? What expectation do you have of me in A, B, C? Why do you need to be in charge of finances and not me? Do you want me to mother the children at home or shall I be a working lady? Things some of you read and think, "heck, don't live in that mentality. You are a woman with RIGHTS." Peeps, I am pumped to "submit", I am excited to be dependent on someone. I have lived life depending on those around me but knowing at the end of the day I am independent in my decisions; It is all about me. Well, surprise... marriage is about us, we, the other one. I learned how that can look without being terrible and how it can look and actually be a natural feeling. We know what chores are to be done by whom and we know why it is a smart idea for me to have an allowance like a 2nd grader so I don't "lose" money on accident due to shoes and the GAP.
Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll was a'ight but seemed long and too over our heads. The struggle the Driscolls go through are for married peeps and not wannabes. The Sex section harmed us and didn't help us. We were put into the spot of "Is the birth control that you use abortive?" Ours is semi-abortive. What the crap!?!? (Another day, another blog post), we have not looked too far into it and we still use it so I think we are just fine for now. Mark and Grace, his wife, talked about how communication is crucial and WANTING to know you spouse is life or death for a marriage. We learned that going beyond the book and doing the "homework" is needed in order to take the book home. Caleb has done the homework, I am still working on it. Homework is answering questions, doing the hard work to figure out what a marriage is to look like from "A's" perspecitve and then seeing how that goes along with "B's" perspective. I think it will be great. We did learn about the stagnant moments of a marriage... they happen and we are not supposed to sulk in them but find a way out. Life is crucial to be done together if your marriage is to work. I believe that to be true.
So my takeaway...
I love Caleb with a lot of my heart and I know I have found my gameday buddy, my forever pal. He truely makes me the happiest and is the one to know me better than anyone else. I love that man. I love him. A lot. Soon and very soon I can hold possesion of him and no one else can even think about him without thinking of me. We are going to be one. Hoo-Rahhhh.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Final Dress Fitting - WOW!
Life is dwindling down, singleness I mean. I am LOVING spending countless hours with my man but thinking about that being my future has hit me. I am fully prepared to endure the trials and to embrace the triumphs but I don't think I know what everyday life will be like with him quite yet. I thought I had it all figured out and that we were going to be like we have been for the last 2 years. I am starting to think it will be a big change. Because I am with him for bfast, I take him to work, I come to his place right after work, I stay at his place until I am ready to go to bed, I feel like all I am missing is the nightly sleepovers. I have found out with all this time with Caleb that we do not see eye-to-eye on EVERYTHING and we get quite frustrated at each other for the SMALLEST things. It is kind of a blast to blog about but not so fun as we are knee deep in muck that sin has brought to each other and ourselves. Life is fun, huh?
So... on to the topic for the day. Bridal fitting. I have gotten some worries from those that have read my recent (a month ago) blog and I would like to say... I went to my final dress fitting and I LIKE MY DRESS A LOT! It is so ironic how much something can change in your mind when you look at it from a different view (and you change some things, ha). The dress is so beautiful and I think the day will not feel perfect with my dress in it. I was thinking about giving a sneak peek but then I decided, "I am so close and I love surprises, I will just keep it a total secret." I bought my birdcage veil and I have gotten some photos of what I want my hair to look like. I also lost my wedding shoes for a good month and now I have officially found them and they are perfect still. Caleb looks incredible in his suit and he has found some shoes to wear on our day. The flower girl dresses are close to being done, the bridesmaid dresses fit great on the girls and their shoes are adorable still, I have my jewelery picked out, the hairdresser is in place, the make-up lady is all about my day, the bands know what to play, the MC has gotten the music to play on the IPOD, and finally... the details are ALL coming together.
I am getting so close to be a Klinge is a a lil nerve-racking.
2.5 week from tomorrow. Bah!
So... on to the topic for the day. Bridal fitting. I have gotten some worries from those that have read my recent (a month ago) blog and I would like to say... I went to my final dress fitting and I LIKE MY DRESS A LOT! It is so ironic how much something can change in your mind when you look at it from a different view (and you change some things, ha). The dress is so beautiful and I think the day will not feel perfect with my dress in it. I was thinking about giving a sneak peek but then I decided, "I am so close and I love surprises, I will just keep it a total secret." I bought my birdcage veil and I have gotten some photos of what I want my hair to look like. I also lost my wedding shoes for a good month and now I have officially found them and they are perfect still. Caleb looks incredible in his suit and he has found some shoes to wear on our day. The flower girl dresses are close to being done, the bridesmaid dresses fit great on the girls and their shoes are adorable still, I have my jewelery picked out, the hairdresser is in place, the make-up lady is all about my day, the bands know what to play, the MC has gotten the music to play on the IPOD, and finally... the details are ALL coming together.
I am getting so close to be a Klinge is a a lil nerve-racking.
2.5 week from tomorrow. Bah!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Songs for the Wedding!
Caleb and I are diligently listening to music on the radio to create a playlist for the wedding. We have regulations though… it has to be considered oldies, it needs to be danceable, and it needs to be about love. Ha, ha. Writing those out seems super cheesy but I am smiling from ear-to-ear thinking about the songs we have already thought up.
Thus far, my faves are “still the one” and “baby, hold on” Do you know these ones? GOODIES!
Have I told you guys about our first dance song? Well here it is according to Ingrid Michaelson who took it from Elvis Presley BUT Caleb and I will be fortunate enough to dance to the melodies from his two sisters doing THEIR rendition. I am literally more excited about that moment of hearing and dancing the song than I am for the rest of the dance time. The moment of being just Caleb and I looking into each other’s eyes and being serenaded is beyond exciting. Sheesh!
Are there songs that you all do not want to miss that fit the criteria? I really want to get all good songs at least play for a moment. You too?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A FANTASTIC weekend in WI
Two weekends ago I went home for not only Wha-Zha-Wha festival, my caterer appointment, but also MY FAMILY BRIDAL SHOWER. I took two of my besties with me on this trip and we had a GREAT time.
Wha-Zha-Wha is a Dells festival put on for the community full or carnival rides, craft fair, flea market, tractor show, beer tents, food stands, and the parade. The city is shut down and the residents come out of the woodwork to participate. Tourists have caught the draft of fun and also seem to arrive to partake. Yes, there are residents that stay far away from the mayhem but me? I run home to be apart of the action. I FOUND MY KEYS AT THE FLEA MARKET. It was truly a happy day. Thanks for looking everyone, I so appreciate it. We went on the Tilt-a-Whirl for a round, does anyone remember that thing? Kinda still fun for grown-ups too. The parade is the main event and I was very pleased to say, the parade was a huge hit for us. We loved it.
The catering appointment was a hit for us. We tasted some really great food and we are now 75% secure for the menu. I am very excited for you all to try the food. You will have some surprises that I am pumped for you to see. The only bummer that we found is that the tables for the wedding may be a bit squished so think small peeps, we WILL fit.
The Bridal shower was just so nice. We decorated with my childhood artwork and it was at my favorite cafe, The Blue Spoon. The food was delicious and so was the company. I really enjoyed being able to be with my family members and to just spend the day telling stories and reminiscing. My friend, Jill, came too. I have not seen her in SO long. She truly holds a special place in my heart. I just feel so blessed to be apart of my family.
Well, on to writing thank yous and preparing for my wedding (in a month from tomorrow, wow). Next week, how about I talk about our books we read through our engagement!
Wha-Zha-Wha is a Dells festival put on for the community full or carnival rides, craft fair, flea market, tractor show, beer tents, food stands, and the parade. The city is shut down and the residents come out of the woodwork to participate. Tourists have caught the draft of fun and also seem to arrive to partake. Yes, there are residents that stay far away from the mayhem but me? I run home to be apart of the action. I FOUND MY KEYS AT THE FLEA MARKET. It was truly a happy day. Thanks for looking everyone, I so appreciate it. We went on the Tilt-a-Whirl for a round, does anyone remember that thing? Kinda still fun for grown-ups too. The parade is the main event and I was very pleased to say, the parade was a huge hit for us. We loved it.
The catering appointment was a hit for us. We tasted some really great food and we are now 75% secure for the menu. I am very excited for you all to try the food. You will have some surprises that I am pumped for you to see. The only bummer that we found is that the tables for the wedding may be a bit squished so think small peeps, we WILL fit.
The Bridal shower was just so nice. We decorated with my childhood artwork and it was at my favorite cafe, The Blue Spoon. The food was delicious and so was the company. I really enjoyed being able to be with my family members and to just spend the day telling stories and reminiscing. My friend, Jill, came too. I have not seen her in SO long. She truly holds a special place in my heart. I just feel so blessed to be apart of my family.
Well, on to writing thank yous and preparing for my wedding (in a month from tomorrow, wow). Next week, how about I talk about our books we read through our engagement!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Real Life: Dress Fitting
So on 9/6/12 I had my first dress fitting. I thought for sure this was going to be the day of my dreams. I had been waiting for this moment for months. I thought for sure I was going to write this day down in my life book as a day to always remember. Well, this day turned out to be one of those days that did not work out to be the most easy days through other circumstances so my dress fitting had a sense of weight on it.
So...I get to Posh Bridal on Franklin in downtown Minneapolis at 6:30. I arrived to meet who I thought is a sales person but is really the seamstress. She walks up to me with an awkward hand shake and a presence of chain-smoker beaming from her. She shows me the room and I wait. I wait. I wait. The anticipation is lurking over me and I start to think my dress has gone missing. Nope, the seamstress apologizes and mentions she needed a smoke break. Really, lady? Really?
So she puts the dress on the hook and unzips my bag for the dress. At first look, I remember the day putting it on for the first time... All the memories come streaming back. As she pulls the dress from the bag, I gasp. A gasp for breath and also a gasp for nervousness. This dress is not what I remembered... It has the basic features but I do not remember it having a certain spec to it and I immediately think that I have made the wrong decision. I agree to try it on and when I walk out of the dressing area and see my self in the mirror, I immediately see myself as a short, stocky girl. I want to cry, the dress I have been dreaming about looks like a total fish out of water experience on me. The dress is completely gorgeous but on me it features all the things I live to hide of my body. There are things a girl would love to forget they have and buy clothes to hide those things. The thing about the dress that did work out is that it fits GREAT, the size is like a glove; just a too-tight-in-certain-areas glove. There were only two non-fitting fixes I had to pay for. So, needless to say, I left the shoppe paying for changes for a dress I did not appreciate.
I ran to my car and balled to my mother. She was so scared at the thought of needing to come 6 months later and help me find a filler dress in a matter of a month. We talked over the issues and and we decided that I was going to wear my dress for my day and stick to the plan. She saw some live pictures of me in it and told me that all the thoughts I had were strictly flesh-sin and that I looked simply beautiful.
So, since my wedding dress fitting.... I have been on a slim fast diet and given myself a pep talk daily. "i will like my dress and I will not think about myself being fat." If you can't change the way the dress fits, then you got to change the way you fit the dress. Right?
Well, true life, this is what some brides go through. My day will be perfect and I feel like on October 6, at my final fitting, I will look at the dress in a different light and feel like I made the perfect decision. Pray for me peeps, this is like the icing on the cake.
So...I get to Posh Bridal on Franklin in downtown Minneapolis at 6:30. I arrived to meet who I thought is a sales person but is really the seamstress. She walks up to me with an awkward hand shake and a presence of chain-smoker beaming from her. She shows me the room and I wait. I wait. I wait. The anticipation is lurking over me and I start to think my dress has gone missing. Nope, the seamstress apologizes and mentions she needed a smoke break. Really, lady? Really?
So she puts the dress on the hook and unzips my bag for the dress. At first look, I remember the day putting it on for the first time... All the memories come streaming back. As she pulls the dress from the bag, I gasp. A gasp for breath and also a gasp for nervousness. This dress is not what I remembered... It has the basic features but I do not remember it having a certain spec to it and I immediately think that I have made the wrong decision. I agree to try it on and when I walk out of the dressing area and see my self in the mirror, I immediately see myself as a short, stocky girl. I want to cry, the dress I have been dreaming about looks like a total fish out of water experience on me. The dress is completely gorgeous but on me it features all the things I live to hide of my body. There are things a girl would love to forget they have and buy clothes to hide those things. The thing about the dress that did work out is that it fits GREAT, the size is like a glove; just a too-tight-in-certain-areas glove. There were only two non-fitting fixes I had to pay for. So, needless to say, I left the shoppe paying for changes for a dress I did not appreciate.
I ran to my car and balled to my mother. She was so scared at the thought of needing to come 6 months later and help me find a filler dress in a matter of a month. We talked over the issues and and we decided that I was going to wear my dress for my day and stick to the plan. She saw some live pictures of me in it and told me that all the thoughts I had were strictly flesh-sin and that I looked simply beautiful.
So, since my wedding dress fitting.... I have been on a slim fast diet and given myself a pep talk daily. "i will like my dress and I will not think about myself being fat." If you can't change the way the dress fits, then you got to change the way you fit the dress. Right?
Well, true life, this is what some brides go through. My day will be perfect and I feel like on October 6, at my final fitting, I will look at the dress in a different light and feel like I made the perfect decision. Pray for me peeps, this is like the icing on the cake.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Welcome to Temperance Street
As you walk in the door... |
Here is one view of the kitchen, |
Here is the other view! |
As you walk in the door, looking to your left. |
Here is our bathroom, shower is shown through the mirror. |
Standing at bathroom door, a look at bedroom. |
The bedroom. (a walk-in closet to the left) NOT PICTURED. |
A look into the living room. |
Here is our balcony. |
And finally a view into the city. We are DOWNTOWN St. Paul. |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Hello Downtown St. Paul
Last weekend consisted of moving and moving some more. We are very excited to move in and I cannot wait to move in after the wedding!
Caleb moved in on Friday instead of going to work and all he could say when I came after work was, "you have got a lot of stuff, love." so what... I have a lot of things, I am sure I will get rid of half the stuff. Peeps, I have not seen these boxes in months and years. When you are 19 years old, your practicality is out the window.
We traveled to the WD for the weekend to get the rest of the things and it was actually quite fun to be part of a big thing in the process of becoming one. Sunday we rented the UHaul and went packing mad. I have to mention... I did watch the whole season of Downton Abbey his weekend in between moving and I do not feel bad about it. We filled that lil 14 footer full of VERY nice things. We made a trip to the famous shed and got some real good things while being there. My mom was such a servant and so giving to us. I will show you photos of the new apt in a different blog.
On Monday we left the house at 6:15p for the big move to MN. Craziest part of the whole thing: It took 30 min for the boys to unload the truck at 10p at night. We were so blessed!
I have found out since the move-in that my boy is not much (at all) for clutter. He has unpacked all the boxes, rearranged the whole apartment, and cleaned a tad too. I am not one to care if things fall to the floor and don't get pick up for days BUT my boy is not like that a tad. Oh the journey we have ahead. Ha.
Well folks, this journey step was quite a blast. Next week? How about I tell you about my dress fitting. It is a story to tell.
Caleb moved in on Friday instead of going to work and all he could say when I came after work was, "you have got a lot of stuff, love." so what... I have a lot of things, I am sure I will get rid of half the stuff. Peeps, I have not seen these boxes in months and years. When you are 19 years old, your practicality is out the window.
We traveled to the WD for the weekend to get the rest of the things and it was actually quite fun to be part of a big thing in the process of becoming one. Sunday we rented the UHaul and went packing mad. I have to mention... I did watch the whole season of Downton Abbey his weekend in between moving and I do not feel bad about it. We filled that lil 14 footer full of VERY nice things. We made a trip to the famous shed and got some real good things while being there. My mom was such a servant and so giving to us. I will show you photos of the new apt in a different blog.
On Monday we left the house at 6:15p for the big move to MN. Craziest part of the whole thing: It took 30 min for the boys to unload the truck at 10p at night. We were so blessed!
I have found out since the move-in that my boy is not much (at all) for clutter. He has unpacked all the boxes, rearranged the whole apartment, and cleaned a tad too. I am not one to care if things fall to the floor and don't get pick up for days BUT my boy is not like that a tad. Oh the journey we have ahead. Ha.
Well folks, this journey step was quite a blast. Next week? How about I tell you about my dress fitting. It is a story to tell.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
The Decor of the Reception
I am back to share about the reception decor. We have gotten a lot done for the reception since last week. We have the menu done, the room set-up decided on, and also the thought of a wedding picture for all guests to be in.
So onto the decor... I will give you a sneak peek but I feel as if I need to leave some mystery. Maybe...
The head table will have the draping twig garland again from the ceremony. Like this:
Lastly, once I find my keys (please help me find keys) I will put them on a fun shutter, like so...
Can you see the vision streaming through the wedding details? I sure hope so!
Next week is all about the two books that Caleb and I read during our engagement. We LOVE these books.
So onto the decor... I will give you a sneak peek but I feel as if I need to leave some mystery. Maybe...
The head table will have the draping twig garland again from the ceremony. Like this:
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I am really loving the monogrammed runner idea. |
The tables are going to have mismatched vases as centerpieces but also some other elements to make each table unique... like this or this:
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aren't those dolies cute? |
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I think I like the candle option... how could I make that work? |
Lastly, once I find my keys (please help me find keys) I will put them on a fun shutter, like so...
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Just looks perfect to me! |
Can you see the vision streaming through the wedding details? I sure hope so!
Next week is all about the two books that Caleb and I read during our engagement. We LOVE these books.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Wild Apples Visit Part 1
Can I just say, I had the best time at my florist appt last friday. Missi is the nicest person who accomodates to her clients and is so honest with you as she really listens to your visions.
I had no idea what I was going to say when I walked into her small shop in small town Baraboo, WI. All I knew is I wanted the flowers to be perfect and the ceremony to be decorated in floral. I literally am pumped to see these ideas in real life.
So here is the deal. My aisles will be decorated in burlap and twigs. Yes, you heard correctly, I went to a floral shop and I will have little amount of flowers and a great amount of organic feel.
Like this photo, but brown twig bunches wrapped in burlap:
The next decision was with the front of the church. We decided on a twig altar background with greenery on the floor of the stage and on the ledge of the baptismal pool.
I had no idea what I was going to say when I walked into her small shop in small town Baraboo, WI. All I knew is I wanted the flowers to be perfect and the ceremony to be decorated in floral. I literally am pumped to see these ideas in real life.
So here is the deal. My aisles will be decorated in burlap and twigs. Yes, you heard correctly, I went to a floral shop and I will have little amount of flowers and a great amount of organic feel.
Like this photo, but brown twig bunches wrapped in burlap:
Kind like this:
Last but not least, we decided on the ceiling decor. It will be draping organza and flower balls intermixed.
Like so:
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Forget the black and lights. Just organza interwined. |
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Pom will be just tucked in corners of the organza. |
Next Week: Reception details from a floral decor point of view. HOORAY!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
IA Visit + 1st Bridal Shower
This weekend Caleb and I went to Iowa to spend time with the family. It was a joyous time full of family and time spent doing absolutely nothing but being together. I truely love my family I have joined and I wouldn't be this excited to be a Klinge if it weren't for Caleb's family.
Speaking of Caleb, I would like to SHOW you our weekend instead of writing in detail. Caleb's orders and I cannot say no to his cute face.
Anna and Kendo-Nitendo |
The babies of the Briden side. |
Kendall is an EXCEPTIONAL hugger. |
My bridal shower. |
Look who is wanting to walk by herself, SOON! (Paisley) |
The video-version of "How well do you know eachother?" |
Side Note: Thank you Klinge Sisters and Momma Kathy for a GREAT bridal shower. It felt very personal and sweet. I do feel very loved.
Double Side Note: The game we played with Caleb, I felt like I did not know the man. I do know him, I promise. I do know what I am getting myself into. AND I did make Caleb eat the ELEVEN pieces of gum that he made me eat. That dirty rat!
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